ID Altos Computer Systems ACS-8000
Short Name
Name ACS-8000
Company Altos Computer Systems
Description The ACS-8xxx were multi-user systems. They could support from 1 to 4 users, but you could also get them in versions for up to 9 users and a supervisor. In appearance, they were large and heavy rectangular desktop boxes with Z80 or 68000 CPUs (ACS-68000 series).
They used a large custom single-board computer the size of the case. The drive controller was a
separate half-card mounted on top of the SBC. The early 8000s had separate cases for the 8" FD & HD. In later models the drives and cards were
integrated into the same case.
The 8000 systems were labeled ACS-8000-x, where x indicates the size of the disk-drive and hard disk :
x=1 : 500 kb (SS/SD) FDD
x=2 : 1000 kb (DS/SD) FDD
x=3 : 1000 kb (SS/DD) FDD

x=4 : 2000 kb (DS/DD) FDD
x=10 : 10 Mb HD
x=12 : 20 Mb HD
x=14 : 40 Mb HD

The ACS-8000 had a 10, 20 or 40 MB Winchester hard-drive and could be upgraded to 80 MB. Hard-disk models also had disk-drives. CP/M, MP/M II or Oasis were the available operating systems.
The ACS-8000 MTU had a 17 MB magnetic streamer.
The ACS-8000 was quite similar to the Altos Serie 5 but was more powerful.
Date Available 1978
Type Computer
Alternate Names Altos Computer Systems ACS-8000
Matches tosec Altos Computer Systems ACS-8000 - Applications
oldcomputers 456
tosec Altos Computer Systems ACS-8000 - Applications
    "id": "Altos Computer Systems ACS-8000 - Applications",
    "name": "Altos Computer Systems ACS-8000 - Applications",
    "altNames": [
        "Altos Computer Systems ACS-8000"
oldcomputers 456
    "type_id": 1,
    "id": 456,
    "pages": {
        "photos": "photos.asp?t=1&c=456&st=1",
        "adverts": "photos.asp?t=2&c=456&st=1",
        "software": "software.asp?t=2&c=456&st=1",
        "docs": "docs.asp?c=456&st=1",
        "comments": "forum.asp?c=456&st=1"
    "image": "",
    "company_link": "company.asp?st=1&m=158",
    "company_name": "Altos Computer Systems",
    "company_logo": "",
    "description": "The ACS-8xxx were multi-user systems. They could support from 1 to 4 users, but you could also get them in versions for up to 9 users and a supervisor. In appearance, they were large and heavy rectangular desktop boxes with Z80 or 68000 CPUs (ACS-68000 series).\nThey used a large custom single-board computer the size of the case. The drive controller was a \nseparate half-card mounted on top of the SBC. The early 8000s had separate cases for the 8\" FD &amp; HD. In later models the drives and cards were \nintegrated into the same case.\nThe 8000 systems were labeled ACS-8000-x, where x indicates the size of the disk-drive and hard disk :\nx=1 : 500 kb (SS/SD) FDD\nx=2 : 1000 kb (DS/SD) FDD\nx=3 : 1000 kb (SS/DD) FDD\n \nx=4 : 2000 kb (DS/DD) FDD\nx=10 : 10 Mb HD\nx=12 : 20 Mb HD\nx=14 : 40 Mb HD\n\nThe ACS-8000 had a 10, 20 or 40 MB Winchester hard-drive and could be upgraded to 80 MB. Hard-disk models also had disk-drives. CP/M, MP/M II or Oasis were the available operating systems.\nThe ACS-8000 MTU had a 17 MB magnetic streamer.\nThe ACS-8000 was quite similar to the <a href=\"computer.asp?c=455\">Altos Serie 5</a> but was more powerful.\n<a href=\"doc.asp?c=456\"><img src=\"graphs/readmore.gif\" border=\"0\" vspace=\"4\"></a>",
    "name": "ACS-8000",
    "manufacturer": "Altos Computer Systems",
    "type": "Professional Computer",
    "origin": "U.S.A.",
    "year": "1978",
    "keyboard": "Terminal keyboard",
    "cpu": "Z80A",
    "speed": "4 Mhz",
    "ram": "From 32 kb to 208 kb",
    "rom": "Unknown",
    "text_modes": "Display features depend on the attached terminal",
    "size_weight": "designed to fit a standard 19",
    "io_ports": "several RS232 ports (depending on models), parallel",
    "built_in_media": "8'' disk-drives : from 512 kb to 2 Mb<br>10, 20 or 40 Mb Winchester hard-disk (upgradable to 80 Mb)<br>17 Mb magnetic streamer (ACS-8000 MTU only)",
    "os": "CP/M, MP/M, MP/M II and Oasis",
    "power_supply": "Built-in PSU",
    "photos": [
            "name": "ACS-8000-12 ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "Inside the ACS-8000-... ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "Rear of the ACS-8000... ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "Rear of the ACS 8000... ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "Rear of a ACS 8000-1... ",
            "image": "",
            "description": "Apart from the big fan, we can see the ouputs for 6 terminals, i.e. 6 users."
            "name": "8'' disk-drive ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "Inside an ACS 8000-1... ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "\"Playboy\" model ",
            "image": "",
            "description": "Ok, it's just a sticker...<p class=\"petitgris\">Picture courtesy of <a href=\"\">Albert's Virtual Computer Museum</a>.</p>"
    "adverts": [
            "image": "",
            "name": "U.S. advert (1979)"
            "image": "",
            "name": "U.S. advert (1980)"
            "image": "",
            "name": "French advert."
            "image": "",
            "name": "Spanish advert (may ..."